Frequently Asked Questions about Laser Hair Removal in Encino, CA
Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated light energy to destroy hair follicles, effectively removing unwanted hair from body parts by targeting melanin in the hair shaft. If you’re interested in learning more about laser hair removal, we understand you may have some questions. Read on for frequently asked questions about laser hair removal. Dr. Pantea Nikaeen at Golden Health & Beauty Center offers laser hair removal treatments. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are located at 16661 Ventura Blvd Ste 700 Encino, CA 91436.

Table of Contents:
How Is Painless Laser Hair Removal Possible?
How Does “painless” Laser Hair Removal Work?
Doesn’t The Lack Of Pain Mean Worse Results?
How Can Our Painless Laser Hair Removal Be More Effective?
Is Painless Laser Hair Removal Safe?
How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Will I Need?
What If I Have Super Thick Hair? How Many Laser Treatments Will I Need Then?
Who Can Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal?
Who Cannot Be Treated With Laser Hair Removal?
What Areas Of My Body Can I Treat With Laser Hair Removal?
Is There Downtime After I Have Laser Hair Removal?
Will I Need Numbing Cream For My Laser Hair Removal?
Why Is There No Pain With Our Laser Hair Removal Treatments?
When Should I Schedule My Laser Hair Removal Treatments?
Just like your iPhone, laser technology has greatly evolved. At Golden Health & Beauty Center, we only use superior laser platforms that perform truly comfortable laser hair removal with the same, or better efficacy, all without the tears, hassle and numbing cream of the past, outdated technology. Inferior lasers shoot energy that is so intense, that it not only causes pain, but it provides unnecessary risk & potential damage to the skin of the treated areas. With these lasers, the energy is generally turned down to prevent pain, at the sacrifice of results-this causes customers to need more treatments because the treatments are not effectively destroying hairs. This is not the case with our lasers.
Using Soprano by Alma Lasers, the treated areas will have the laser head pass back and forth multiple times, to provide controlled laser rays to target, and kill off, unwanted hair. These laser rays essentially cook off the hair follicle to a point of destruction, all without damage to the skin. The resulting damage to the hair follicles reduce the body’s ability to grow and hold hair in the treated area(s).
As long as unwanted hairs are targeted with laser rays, the follicle will be cooked off. In fact, our painless lasers are superior than traditional lasers and new non-painful lasers.
Because our laser overlaps the treated areas at minimum 20 times per each treatment, more laser energy is delivered, thus, allowing more time for hairs to be “cooked” off and targeted to destruction.
Yes. As the laser overlaps the treated areas, the hair is slowly targeted, providing the treating nurse with time to stop treatment should any adverse reactions occur.
The average person who wishes to do laser hair removal is recommended a base of 6 sessions in the same treatment area. With each treatment, a small percentage of hair will reduce, or become finer in texture. Generally after 6 sessions the treated area should see about 50% reduction in hair *some exclusions apply. Remember, laser treatments targets current, active hairs. While your body is responsible for repairing all damaged cells in your body, including hair cells, your body may repair damaged hair follicles post laser hair removal treatments, thus requiring more treatments.
Those with thick, dense hair may need 10 or more sessions. For example, men’s beard will almost always need 10+ sessions, with continued maintenance treatments. Teens may always require 10+ sessions. Those with active hormones may also need 10+ sessions with continued maintenance treatments. Women who become pregnant post treatment may require a new set of treatments. Those with ethnic backgrounds that have a propensity for more hair growth through the body may need 10+ sessions.
Male or female, body or face, tanned or not, and those of any skin color can receive successful, safe and effective treatments with our laser and superior l laser protocols. Since our lasers are known for bypassing pigment on the skin, those with dark pigment in their skin can receive laser treatment when they previously could not. We have delivered great results to clients of all skin tones, including Middle Eastern, African, Indian skin tone as well as those with fair skin.
Those who have blonde or red hair are advised against any kind of laser because the hairs cannot be targeted to destruction. Think of a white t-shirt in the sun, it never gets warm, thus is the same with treating a blonde hair. Since the laser color is red, it cannot recognize, or successfully treat red hair.
Any area of the body, from the face, to genitals can be treated safely and effectively. Cienega Med Spa has provided over 85,000 treated areas in the past 10 years of service.
Not with our lasers! You can return to work, travel or a workout post treatment.
Not with our lasers! While other laser clinics charge for numbing cream, with us there is NO NEED for numbing cream. Treatments are comfortable, while highly effective because of our time-tested treatment settings and protocols and superior lasers.
Our lasers work to gradually cook the hair follicles in the most comfortable manner possible with slow gradual heat and superior cooling mechanisms. Hair follicles are still effectively targeted, and the added benefit of skin safety is provided with our advanced technology.
You should receive your treatments every 4 to 6 weeks. When your hair starts becoming thinner, you may wait 8 to 12 weeks between treatments. Treatments sooner than 4 weeks do NOT provide faster or better results.